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Are you an SME without a Patent?
Are you already a patent holder and questions in mind then Click Here !...
Are you an SME with Patents?
Are you an IPR Professional?
Click Here if you are you a non patent holder and some questions in mind!...
Are you an SME without a Patent?
Are you already a patent holder and questions in mind then Click Here !...
Are you an SME with Patents?

You can:

- Identify own IPR, notable patents, which can be sold or licensed out to a 3rd party
- Valuate the own IPR
- Identify potential licensees or buyers and monetize their unused patents
- Receive support from experts for all IPR topics
- Receive more IPR expertise in the company via web-based training


- a realtime valuation calculator for Patents
- a realtime matching engine for potential licensees
- a realtime transaction platform for patents (to buy or license)
- e-training and online courses to special topics in IPR management
- service platform to experts in all IPR topics

© 2016-2018 POINT