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Are you an SME without a Patent?
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Are you an SME with Patents?

How can I improve my qualification in patents?
How do I find someone to share my expertise?
Where do I get the right expertise?
How can I use other available patented technology & patents?
How do I make/get money out of my patents?
How can I utilize my patents?
How does licensing a patent work?
What types of licensing models are possible?
When I decide to "license in" technology, how do I prepare for the licensing negotiation?
When I decide to "license out" technology, how do I prepare for the licensing negotiation?
When I decide to "cross license" technology, how do I prepare for the licensing negotiation?
In which cases is cross licensing beneficial for my company?
Before signing a licensing contract, on which points do both parties have to agree on?
I found an offer for a patent pool, what does that mean?
How can I improve my patent management?
Improve patent management  - how to reduce costs?
Do I follow the right strategy in my patent management?
Does someone else infringe my patents?
Who has to act after an infringement?
Should a small corporation go for litigation?
Why is IPR an important business asset?
What IP rights over intangible assets may I obtain?
What is the owner allowed to do with these rights?
How can patents help me find an investor?
In which regions does my patent apply?
What does a patent contain?
Can someone oppose my patent?
When does a patent become public?
Can I find the information in patents somewhere else?
Can my business benefit from simply researching other patents?
What type of researches are there?
How do I know if my patents are valuable?
What possibilities of monetization do i have?
What channels for monetization are there?
What is the meaning of Strategic IP Management?
Are there the same legal restrictions in each country regarding the inventions of employees?
Can IPR give information about new business areas of companies?
Which information of the competitor can I get with IPR?

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